With a personal loan, most lenders will allow you to use your money to pay for almost anything. Whether you need to consolidate your debt, pay off unexpected medical expenses or make repairs at home, a personal loan may help you meet your financial goals.
Best Personal Loans From Top Lenders
Rates starting at 5.99% APR and amounts up to $50,000
Checking rates won't affect your credit score
- Fast approval process, often within minutes
- Simple and quick online application
- Loan amounts starting from $100
- Funds deposited directly into your bank account, usually by the next business day
- APR varies widely depending on the lender
- Not available in all states
- Late payment policies vary by lender, which may include additional fees or accelerated repayment terms
- Quick and easy online application process
- Same-day response from lenders, often within minutes
- Loan amounts up to $50,000
- Funds deposited directly into your bank account, usually by the next business day
- APR can be high, up to 35.99%
- Not available in all states
- Late payments can negatively impact your credit score
- Quick funding, usually within the next business day
- Simple and fast online application process
- Loan amounts starting as low as $200
- No need to visit multiple websites; a single form connects you with multiple lenders
- APR varies widely depending on the lender
- Not available in all states
- May require multiple steps for final approval and funding
Emergency Cash Relief
- Accepts all credit types
- Great for emergencies
- Quick two minute form submit
- High APR for lower credit scores
- Must be employee with proof of income
- Must have bank account to recieve funds
Honest Loans
- Find out what you are approved for within seconds
- Simple application
- Cash usually available in your bank account by next day
- APR varies widely depending on the lender
- Not available in all states
- Late payments may negatively impact credit score
Money Pup Loans
- Find out what you are approved for within seconds
- Simple application
- Cash usually available in your bank account by next day
- APR varies depending on many factors
- Late payments may negatively impact credit score
US Brighter Loan
- May receive funds as soon as the next business day
- Transparent fee structure - no hidden charges
- Opportunity to improve credit score with timely repayments
- May require a minimum credit score for approval
- No physical branches
Frequently asked questions
Personal loan requirements vary by lender, but most lending institutions will typically analyze your credit score, your income and any other debts you have out in your name. You should also come prepared with the following information, as it could impact eligibility: the purpose of your loan, how much money you want to borrow and your preferred repayment schedule.
Personal loan amounts typically range from $1,000 to $50,000. However, some lenders, such as BHG Money, offer loan amounts as large as $200,000. The personal loan marketplace offers loan amounts up to $50,000.
If you have less-than-ideal credit, you may still qualify for a bad-credit personal loan though your lender is likely to charge a high APR. Alternatively, you may be able to get a personal loan with a cosigner who has good credit to access more attractive rates.
When applying for a personal loan, you’ll need to provide proof of income and employment, bank account information and proof of other debt. You’ll also need to verify your identity by providing a government-issued identification to your lender.
Common alternatives to personal loans include credit cards, lines of credit, home equity loans and 401(k) loans. While these options also come with interest and fees, one of these different financing opportunities may be a better fit for your situation. For instance, if you aren’t sure how much money you need, a credit card with access to a line of credit may be a better fit.
Yes — you can refinance a personal loan if you want to change the terms. Refinancing allows you to assess an old debt and potentially qualify for conditions that better suit your current financial position, such as lower interest rates or monthly payments.